Crossroads and Community Presents

The Need

It used to be that culture shifted every half decade or so, but with constant access to the world thanks to smartphones and social media culture is ever changing. As a parent, the rapid change seems overwhelming and we always feel a step behind, not always knowing how to respond and best support our children through a culture that seems so different then what we experienced. Lifeline for Parents has been developed to help support and walk alongside parents through these tumultuous times.


Crossroads of Wauseon, in conjunction with HC3, area schools, and public service officials, sponsors a series of talks aimed to help parents gain awareness of present issues and provide insight on how one could respond.

Dates and Times

Three or four Wednesdays throughout the school year, from 6:30-8:00pm in the main auditorium, Crossroads hosts a free series of talks centered on a particular relevant topic facing parents today. Each topic is spoken of from the perspective of an expert, an experienced parent, and a pastor followed by a question and answer session from the panel. Parents of younger children are also free to take advantage of our Wednesday night programming to avoid having to find separate child care.

A Little More About Our Purpose

Whether a seasoned veteran or a new parent, we desire to partner with you as you seek to raise your child. Both the church and community have the same goal in supporting parents and providing awareness and tools to help navigate through such an important calling.

Whether a church attender or not, we believe that the Bible provides practical and relevant wisdom on how to navigate all areas of life including parenting.

2019-2020 Topic Schedule

October 2, 2019 - Hidden In Plain Sight: Signs that your teen might be using drugs
Future Dates TBD


If you have any questions about Lifeline For Parents, please feel free to contact Matt Strader or Mark Clausing at 419-335-3686. They’d love to speak more with you about this opportunity!